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The city of Middelburg, Zeeland | | |
Den Bosch Short Information Sheet:
| Country: Netherlands Province: Zeeland
Middelburg Information Cloud:
From early in the Middle Ages, it has been an important commercial town, and at one time the trade with Scotch merchants was very considerable. In 1572, after Flushing declared for the States, Middelburg, wealthy and prosperous, naturally preferred things as they were, and remained loyal to Spain. The Zeelanders laid siege to it, but it was not until 1574 that it yielded.
The Abbey is a group of ancient buildings, dating from various periods between the 12th and 15th centuries. They have long since ceased to be used for ecclesiastical functions, and are now used for provincial business. The streets are irregular and exhibit a tendency to run in circles. Here and there you come upon fine old houses that have looked down upon Middelburg people and affairs for the last three or four hundred years.
By far the most imposing structure in the town is the Town Hall. For grace and elegance this building can hold its own against any similar structure in Europe. It stands well, occupying one side of the market-place, and a complete and fine view of its handsome fa$ade is obtained from the opposite side of the place. It dates from 1468 to 1488, and is a fine example of Burgundian architecture.
The Middelburg Town Hall contains some fine old rooms filled with antiquities of Middelburg. Here are portraits of 14th and 15th century merchants, naval heroes, such as Jan and Cornelius Evertsen, ancient goblets, furniture, carvings and archives, among the latter being the charter granted to Middelburg in 1253, said to be the most ancient existing deed in the Dutch language. No better point of view for the study of Zeeland life can be found than the square in front of the great Stadhuis.
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